Methane is one of the end products of ruminal fermentation, autotrophically produced by CO2 and H2 methanogenic archaea derived from the fermentation of carbon sources, especially sugars. Methane is finally eliminated by bleaching representing a loss of between 5 and 8% of the gross energy contained in the feedstuffs consumed by the animal. Methane is also seen as an important source of industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
Acetone is a colourless liquid with a sweet odour. Acetone is a flammable liquid. Use dry chemical, CO2, or alcohol foam extinguishers. Acetone also called dimethyl formaldehyde is a manufactured chemical found naturally in the environment. It is a colourless liquid with a distinct smell and taste and is used to make plastic, fibres, drugs, and other chemicals.
Is Methane Gas Harmful to Humans?
Methane gas is more harmful to the atmosphere than the same amount of carbon dioxide from burned plastics. However, methane capture on landfill sites is also being developed. This methane can be flared or reused as fuel. In addition to concerns about the fluids used in fracking, further issues emerge with regard to the process of extraction which releases large amounts of methane gas, the main component of natural gas. That release has two primary negative effects.
- If methane gas reaches the water supply, that water would be unsafe to drink and
- Methane gas is a potent greenhouse gas that can be released into the atmosphere through drilling or from pipeline leaks.
- While natural gas processing is generally confined from the well to sales, methane may be emitted from gas-processing equipment as a fugitive emission.
A study conducted by Cornell University found that due to venting and well leaks between 3.6 and 7.9 percent of the methane escapes into the atmosphere during shale-gas production over the course of a well lifetime which is more than 30 percent higher than the amount released during conventional natural gas production.
Uses of Acetone
Acetone is a colourless liquid used as a household solvent, as the key ingredient in nail polish remover, and as a preservative for pituitary glands in some processing methods. As a solvent, it is mainly used in the paint and lacquer industry. In synthetic work, acetone is used for the production of important chemicals such as methyl meth-acrylate, for acrylic fibres and bisphenol A for epoxy resins, polyurethane foams and polycarbonate plastics. Fruits are macerated in a fruit centrifuge and extracted with chloroform or methylene chloride; a hexane-acetone mixture is used as the TLC solvent system.
Aldol condensation of acetone leads to the production of diacetone alcohol which is the precursor of such important chemicals as mesityl oxide, methyl isobutyl ketone and methyl isobutyl carbinol which are industrial solvents for paint. Acetone is a cumene peroxidation co-product with phenol which is currently the main route for its production. Acetone is used for the extraction of spices and Ginger Oleoresin. For Capsicum Oleoresin, however, alcohol may be preferred on an industrial scale, since a liquid–liquid extraction may be used later to get rid of water-soluble material.