People listen to recommendations or advices online, if they come from personal experiences. Author’s bios, although they looks small and insignificant are very essential. They connect the writers you to the readers and the backlinks send them to the targeted social profiles or websites. Every writer adores this little glory!
Today, blogs are used in businesses to build brand awareness and reliability. If your blog offers tips and guidance in resolving an issue, then your product must be capable of solving it! You can compel the readers to visit your business website or social profile by using backlinks on the author bio box.
Plugins are available for creating author bio for WordPress to showcase authorships. You can use the Simple Author Box plugin to manage multiple bios on your blog. That will allow you to invite guest authors to contribute contents on your platform.
How to craft an impressive author bio?
Write in the third person tone – A general practice is to write the author’s bio in the third person, but make sure you proofread it for typos and errors. Avoid overusing her [she] or him [he]. You can even try to replace pronouns in some instances with your name. It enhances the flow!
Remember – No self-promotion
This part is apparently about the author, but not really about YOU. You can think of this arrangement as if ‘you are the object, whereas the person who reads is the subject’. Here the readership will be dominant to the authorship in a vague manner. It is finally the readers who will decide if your post is worth reading till the end, discussing or sharing. Therefore write for the readers!
Establish credibility in an honest way
The digital landscape is colossal, so be prepared to give reasons to the readers why they should listen to you. Therefore in your bio, you must truthfully establish your credibility. Why readers must believe you? What are your qualifications on the subject?
For example, if you have an academic degree relevant to the article or blog, only then mention it in the bio. Let’s say you wrote about girls’ problems, and have experience as you attended women’s college. It is worth mentioning in this specific instance.
Be personal
Besides showcasing you being professionally certified, you can also say some personal things, like you are a coffee addict, or a cat lover, or a golf fan. Nevertheless, every article will not be suitable to write about your personal tidbit. You need to be smart and keep this minimal. Your bio is not a place for divulging such details, as readers are not really interested.
For example, you can write – ‘I run, cycle, and walk daily, but when I am not doing these, I enjoy reading and researching a new topic.’ Your personality gets revealed, and your credibility is maintained.
Avoid bragging and writing something long
Generally, it is wise to avoid saying a lot on bios. Long bio generally suggests that you are less humble. Without any real reasons, it highlights your feel of self-importance.
Simple Author Box plugin offers a pro version, which has great features. You can add multiple authors as well as set specific authors as guests. It is handy for bloggers that run online reporting, or news, or guest bogging services. You get added features like more color schemes, more widgets, and set links to open in a no-follow manner. Just visit their website and check their affordable pricing package.