Deciding to quit your job can be a stressful experience, and having to do it can feel overwhelming. However, to get the future recommendation from that boss you may need to move forward, you can’t simply stop showing up. You need to stand tall and tell your boss you plan on leaving with proper notice. Here are some tips for telling your boss that you quit.
1. Talk to your boss first.
Even if you are friends with your coworkers, it is vital to tell your boss before telling everyone else. The last thing you want is for your boss to find out you are planning to leave before you talk to them about it. You don’t want your boss to hear rumors that you are planning to leave because they may lead to you being terminated before you are ready to move on. You must leave on your terms, which means being straight-forward and honest.
2. Be prepared with the real reasons you want to quit.
Your boss may want to know why you are planning to leave. While you don’t want to dwell on negativity, you need to be open and honest. If the reason is your pay and benefits, let them know you found another opportunity that is better for you and your family. If there was a conflict in your position or with people you were working with that you could not handle anymore, you could say the position no longer feels like a good fit.
3. Don’t make it personal.
Telling your boss how much you hate your coworkers or how terrible it is to work for the company will not accomplish anything when you are leaving. It will also not encourage your boss to provide a positive reference in the future if you ever need one. While it might feel good to get that off your chest, it will not accomplish anything. You are better off telling your family or close friends how you feel about your work life.
4. Be prepared with an answer if you are presented with a counteroffer.
If you tell your boss you received a job offer with better pay or better benefits, you need to be prepared if you are presented with a counteroffer. Decide before you walk into the room if you are willing to stay at your job for better pay, better benefits, or a better schedule. Benefits can be more valuable than salary, so keep that in mind if your boss can present benefits another position cannot. Beyond vacation time and medical insurance, you can request benefits like income protection insurance and phone or car reimbursement. You can compare income protection insurance options to see what is available to you.
5. Offer to help through the transition.
Your boss will be tasked with replacing you, and no one knows your position better than you do, so it is crucial to offer to help through the transition. Your boss may decline the help, and they may say you do not need to stay the extra two weeks. However, those decisions are left up to your boss once you have offered to stay at least two more weeks and help get your replacement acclimated. Again, giving proper notice and offering to help during the transition will make it more likely that your boss will provide you with a positive recommendation in the future.
Having income protection insurance will help you survive financially in between jobs in case you are injured or sick, or otherwise unable to work. Income protection insurance can save your financial future and can protect you, regardless of how the injury or illness happened. It is money that can be used to pay monthly bills, as opposed to being limited to medical expenses. You can compare income protection insurance with iSelect to make sure you get the coverage you need at the best price.